Scope 3 Strategy Days 2025
24-26 June 2025
Why join us:
We’ll be focusing on how to navigate all the current uncertainty; and balance that with the necessity to build more supply chain resilience
It will help you benchmark how your peers are focusing, responding & being proactive to better tackle supply chain emissions risk
Get advice, tools & templates directly from peers that have made the most progress. Work in teams with those facing the same issues
Walk away with your own template strategy for making faster and more confident progress in 2025-2026 – whether you’re more advanced or at the start of your journey - using the templates and advice of those that we have actively benchmarked
You can download a template business case for your participation
Agenda (includes the 2024 speakers)
June 24 2025
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Private Scope 3 Industry / Initiative Meetings
Networking Drinks with your Peers in the center of Chicago
June 25 2025
8:15am – 9:00am
Coffee, breakfast and Meet your “Team”. Discover the seating plan that puts you working with those peers we believe you can benefit from collaborating with most. Understand who is the room & how you compare.
Output: New peer contacts of those in a similar stage of the journey
9:00am – 9:15am
Welcome and Plan for the Day
9:00am – 9:15am – Welcome & Meet your Peers:
How to make the most of the agenda & workshops, plus a review of the level of maturity and challenges in the room using Benchmark data. Who are you in the room with; who is on your team/table; and how do you compare?
Output: A benchmark on how your challenges and approach compares to others
9:15am – 10:00am
How to build the case; secure more resources; put carbon into decision-making; best organize internally; and crucially get points on the board.
A panel of those who have made the most progress on scope 3 in their business will share their key principles for engaging leadership; internal teams; taking decisive action; organising team structure; and winning resources & budget.
2024 Speakers were:
Andrew Mayock, US Government Chief Sustainability Officer, White House
Sherrie O’Doyle, Director, Sustainable Procurement & Value Growth, Bank of Montreal
Sonal Dalal, Director - Enterprise Climate, Target
Amie Hedblom, Director of Corporate Sustainability, Ecolab
Output: Tactics for getting more buy-in internally; more resources; and confidence in your plans and ambitions for the organisation
10:00am - 10:30am
How multi-tier, peer collaboration drives supply chain decarbonisation
Hear how leading companies work together to share the challenge, engagement, data and cost of driving emissions reduction and encouraging innovation - including collaboration with peers, customers and suppliers. Learn while sat with your peers in your sector and explore how you may do the same.
2024 Speakers were:
Fred Gersdorff, Senior Manager, Socially Responsible & Sustainable Supply Chains, General Motors
Kellen Mahoney, Director, Suppliers Partnership for the Environment
Suppliers Partnership of the Environment are the leading value chain collaboration in the US automotive sector
Output: Introductions & discussions with your peers - in the same industry and/or with similar suppliers - to explore how to best collaborate
10:30am – 11:00am
Networking Break
11:00am – 12:00pm
Navigating the regulatory landscape and policy & guidance uncertainty
How they have developed their strategy and tactics for preparing the business for the uncertainty and range of regulatory, policy and guidance challenges and changes that are here now and imminent.
2024 Speakers were:
Autumn Fox, Global Sustainability Director, Mars
Wenjuan Liu, Manager - Metal & Mineral Industry Decarbonization, RMI
Rebbecca Bergkamp, Value Chain Sustainability Director, Eaton
Output: A Template for developing your own scope 3 compliance & reporting strategy for 2025-2026
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Designated networking areas to informally discuss specific scope 3 challenges shared in advance by members - including logistics emissions; PCFs; supplier engagement; selecting tools; and getting leadership buy-in. Each member will have a suggested area to network in based on their specific needs discussed in advance.
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Supplier Engagement and Data & Methodology - which suppliers; with what tools; and how they intend to drive real reductions
A panel of practitioners who are actively segmenting and engaging suppliers; collecting and using data to make decisions; and deep in the mix of working through the same challenges as you.
They will each share their template strategies for how they’re doing it; who they’re using; what lessons have been learned; which mistakes have been made; and what really has proved to be key to success.
You’ll get a chance to submit your questions in advance of the meeting, so they focus on what you really want to know.
We’ll discuss in our teams and you’ll find the best insight in the room for you from the other participants.
2024 Speakers were:
Catherine Rueppel, Senior Manager - Procurement, The Coca-Cola Company
Emelissa Baluyot, Global Leader, Supply Chain Decarbonisation, Amazon
Nicole Anderson Brodin, Sustainable Procurement Manager, Essity
Liz Minne, Head of Global Sustainability Strategy, Interface
Jessica Halvorsen, ESG Sourcing Lead, JLL
Including Q&A, discussion in teams and comment from others in the room
Output: A co-created Tookit of advice from your peers for how to build/evolve your supplier engagement & data strategy
15:00 – 15:30
Networking Break
15:30 – 16:00
Presentation and Q&A on the best-practice template for selecting scope 3 tools – including insight from the Scope 3 Peer Group Tools Landscape Survey, Miguel Cossio, Procurement Research Director - Supply Chain, Gartner
Outputs: A Template for developing your own data & methodology strategy and Scope 3 Tool RFP for 2025
16:00 – 16:30
How to engage and capability-build procurement on scope 3?
A panel of the procurement leaders in scope 3 will share their template strategies for segmenting, engaging and capability-building suppliers at scale; as well as their own procurement teams – including setting KPIs; training; tools; data & content
2024 Speakers were:
Nancy Gillis, Senior Director, Industrial Pathways Transformation (Decarbonization, Equity, Nature), WBCSD - in conversation with:
Martha Buffington, Chief Procurement Officer, SC Johnson
Janelle Orozco, Chief Procurement Officer NA, Kraft Heinz
Output: Templates, toolkits & direct advice for engaging and capability-building both suppliers and procurement teams on scope 3
16:30 – 16:45
You think Scope 3 is tricky for you…?
2024 Speaker was:
Erica Ocampo, Chief Sustainability Officer, The Metals Company
Output: Understanding what it takes for your suppliers to get their scope 3…
16:45 – 17:30
Sharing the headline outputs, ideas and recommendations from each table and break-out
Closing with a panel of those from each table and breakout room, highlighting the very best from the day to ensure it’s captured for everyone.
We’ll also crown the winning “Team” in the Scope 3 Quiz!
Output: A 5-slide Summary of the key points, examples and tools shared on the day
Scope 3 Peer Group Networking Evening
An opportunity for all participants to connect, relax and meet other Scope 3 Peer Group members, partners and advisory board and build the relationships for a big second day and significant H2 of effort ahead.
“What Next Workshops”
June 26 2025
Putting what we’ve discussed into action through smaller, focused workshops with partners that can help implement
Attendance prioritised for Strategy Day participants.
Open to specially-invited others at no cost.
Attendees to June 25 prioritised
Breakfast Workshops (8:30 - 10:00)
Up to 3 different Industry Collaboration Workshops
An opportunity for those in key industry sectors and initiatives to meet and continue to work together on how to implement best practice and better collaboration across their value chain.
Output: A blueprint and benchmark for even more effective industry collaboration
Roundtable Workshops - (10:30 - 12:00)
Product Carbon Footprint Collaboration
An opportunity for those focused on product carbon footprinting to meet and continue to work together on how to implement best practice and understand how best to approach the standardisation of emissions data; and the engagement of suppliers at scale to embed PCFs for a competitive advantage.
Output: Your key questions answered on the complexity and urgency of product carbon footprint progress
Supplier Decarbonization & Renewable Energy Collaboration
An opportunity for those wanting to engage suppliers at scale on renewable energy investment and procurement to meet and continue to work together on how to implement best practice.
Output: Your key questions answered on getting started; learning the lessons of others; and engaging suppliers on renewable energy
Roundtable Workshops - (13:00 - 15:00)
Supplier Engagement Collaboration
Output: Participants will create takeaway supplier engagement plans to use in their organizations
Procurement Engagement Collaboration
Output: A collective plan for sharing the effort, time & cost of engaging procurement; embedding net zero strategy; and improving the consistency & clarity of support
Procurement Leadership of Scope 3 Workshop - (15:00 - 16:30)
Taking Leading Action on Supply Chain Decarbonisation
Tackling some key priorities and reviewing real projects & opportunities - currently being led by CPOs - that can be further backed and scaled to drive real impact within shared value chains. Including insights from procurement leaders - including:
Carbon pricing & the factoring into tenders to drive supplier selection
Output: Understanding how to navigate through the legislation landscape; embed cost of carbon into decisions; and work with peers
Please contact Oliver Hurrey – – with any questions at all.
Join us and focus your efforts on the day by taking the Scope 3 Benchmark at or by clicking on the banner below.