Unilever's Supplier Climate Programme Progress

Scope 3 Peer Group Update [Start of the video]


Sustainable Procurement Pledge Study Results & the Scope 3 Peer Group Tools Survey [5 mins 55 secs]

Miguel presented data from a study conducted with the Sustainable Procurement Pledge. He highlighted that scope 3 emissions were a major focus for respondents and that digital tools and data collection were among the top challenges faced. He also introduced a new survey that was launched as part of the Scope 3 Peer Group, aimed at understanding the challenges in collecting data for both corporate and product level emissions. The results, Oliver noted, would be made available for free and would be a valuable resource for everyone.

Climate Drive: Free Decarbonization Platform [12 mins 40 secs]

Oliver introduced Jenny Kwan from WBCSD, announcing a partnership to develop free, accessible resources on a variety of topics, including a value chain net-zero case study library. Jenny gave a presentation on the Climate Drive, a platform designed to be the first stop for corporate decarbonization. The Action library is designed to host and disseminate valuable chain case studies, aiming to build the largest collection of actionable, high-quality, credible actions. The platform is open and free for use for everyone forever. Oliver and Jenny encouraged viewers to submit case studies for the Action library (theclimatedrive@wbcsd.org) and to join a taskforce to further develop the platform (ohurrey@getgalvanised.com).

Supply Cascade and SME Climate Hub Initiatives [20 mins]

Lydia Elliot of We Mean Business introduced two initiatives that she is working on - the first being the 'Supply Cascade' campaign which aims to celebrate leaders in supply chain engagement and create a scalable approach to cascading supply chain engagement.

The second initiative is the 'SME Climate Hub', a one-stop-shop for SMEs to take climate action, measure, and report. Lydia also mentioned that the Supply Cascades project is currently in a building phase, gathering early adopters for the concept, and planning to conduct a survey focusing on incentives and guidance.

Deloitte's Scope 3 Community [27 mins 10 secs]

Eleanor Foster-Gregg, a consultant from Deloitte, highlighted their successful project with Santander, emphasizing a focus on action rather than just data gathering. She explained that the community aims to help companies understand and manage their emissions at various levels, from corporate to product, and across different locations.

UN Global Compact's Scope 3 Data Webinar Series [34 mins 45 secs]

Alexandra Ranft introduced the UN Global Compact and their UK network, which supports businesses in achieving their sustainability goals. She also announced a public webinar series focusing on scope 3 emissions data collection. The webinars will cover different parts of the value chain and highlight best practices.

Scope 3 Maturity Benchmark [39 mins 45 secs]

Jamie Ganderton of Proxima then gave an update on the Scope 3 Maturity Benchmark, which assesses organizations' progress on scope 3 emissions and decarbonization. The benchmark has been refined based on feedback and will present insights in a new reporting format. Make sure to register ASAP and also begin re-taking the Benchmark a year on from the first results. This new approach has led to successful business cases and additional resource allocation for some organizations.

Unilever's Supplier Climate Programme Progress [47 mins 10 secs]

Stella from Unilever provided an update on their supply climate program, emphasizing the importance of working with suppliers to reduce emissions, particularly in raw materials and packaging. She also shared that Unilever had scaled up their program this year, inviting 13 suppliers to participate, and plans to engage with 300 suppliers in the first few years. Stella also discussed the categorization of suppliers based on their climate maturity and the corresponding support offered to each group. She highlighted the significant traction generated by their work and the geographical diversity of the data they've received, not just from Europe and North America, but also from Brazil, India, and Indonesia. Stella also pointed out the high variance in the data, which comes with a lot of noise, and the challenges this poses for their net-zero metric and procurement teams. For 2024, Stella outlined plans to scale up and integrate the data into their net-zero reporting, while also working on improving the platform for automatic data sharing and continuing to collaborate with partners to drive convergence.


Tackling Logistics Emissions - with the Smart Freight Centre